
Resource Efficient Brewing

Contrary to what you may have heard, single-serve, and in particular Bruvi®, is one of the most eco-friendly ways to enjoy coffee when you consider coffee waste and energy efficiency

Bruvi® single-serve brewing uses fewer resources than batch brewing

  • Pressurized extraction uses comparatively less coffee per cup to extract the same amount of soluble flavors
  • Only brews the amount of coffee needed. No pouring excess coffee down the sink
  • Pre-portioned pods avoid coffee spillage and preparation wastage
  • Hermetically sealed pods retain freshness over time, avoiding coffee spoilage and waste

  • No wasted water from unused brewed coffee
  • Less coffee waste equals less water waste since a lot of water is needed to grow and process coffee (estimated at 140 liters used per cup)
  • Less clean up since you don’t have to wash carafe or clean the brewer every day after use (weekly cleaning recommended)

  • Heats less water than batch brewing
  • Bruvi doubles down with advanced thick film heating technology:
    • Only heats the amount of water needed for the specific cup size selected
    • Heats in five seconds – no pre-heating of boiler or post heating of water
    • Uses no energy to heat water in standby mode